Page comments user macro for Confluence to include page comments in PDF export and in print

Atlassian Confluence User Macro (tested on CONF 6.9) to show page comments in print and exported PDF.

Issue: currently page comments are not shown in PDF Export in Atlassian Confluence.

The code of the user macro:

## Macro title: page-comments
## Macro has a body: N
## Developed by: Stefan Baader
## Date created: 24/11/2018
## Installed by: Stefan Baader


## @noparams

#set( $comments = $content.getTopLevelComments() )
#set( $commentsTotal = $content.getPageLevelComments().size() )
#set( $margin = 0 )

## define VelociMacro
#macro( showComments $comments $margin )

	#foreach( $comment in $comments )
	    <div style="margin:5px 5px 5px ${margin}px; border-top:1px solid #ccc; padding-left:10px; ">
	    	<p style="font-size:x-small; color:grey; ">$comment.getContentEntityObject().getCreator().getFullName()</p>
		<p style="font-size:x-small; color: grey">
		#set($date = $comment.getContentEntityObject().getCreationDate() )
		#set($margin = $margin + 10 )
			## macro calls itself repeated
			#set( $commentChilds = $comment.getChildren() )
			#showComments ( $commentChilds )

@media screen {
 #showCommentsInBody {display: none;}

<div id="showCommentsInBody">
	<h2>$commentsTotal Comments</h2>
	## use the VelociMacro
	#showComments ( $comments )